It's exam time for me and I am stressed!! haha. I have been reading the same line of work over, and over , and over again and it's still not sinking into my brain. It's like a wall has formed between my memory and the rest of my brain.
I've been stating up until the early hours of morning studying and stressing over having due dates that are bound to come no matter what. And while all this has been going on, I have forgotten to make sure that I am okay. I haven't been eating supper, washing my face, I only shower long enough to wash my hair and rinse my body. I. Am. A. MESS!!!
So, todays post is going to be about how I take care of my self, and what I like to do to pamper myself.
1. Get Comfy / / Put CLEAN, but comfy clothes on. Take that damn bra off, and those tight jeans. Swap them for some Pj's or sweats.
2. Wash your face: Wash the days pollution away. there is no better feeling then washing off my make-up. and throwing my hair up into a messy bun.
3.Put a face mask on: Nourish your skin, it's sensitive and the weather is so harsh on it this time of year.
4. Eat something: I always forget to eat supper when I'm stressed. I don't know why... I love food. So go make some mac n' cheese.
5. Have a bath/shower: what ever you prefer. Put a bath bomb in a bath or some epsom salts. If you prefer showers, just spend some extra time doing the things you don't allow yourself to do. Shave your legs, put a deep condition in your hair or anything you love, but don't have time for.
6. Light a candle: Turn off the lights and light a candle, it's so calming and will make your room or where ever so beautiful smelling. I always forget how much I love candles until I actually light them.
7. Watch your favourite movie: If you don't have time to watch a movie, put an episode of your favourite T.V. show on.
8. Use a humidifier: Put some lavender oil in it to help you fall asleep.
9. GO TO SLEEP: I can't function without enough sleep, and I haven't been getting enough for over a weeks now. So, treat yourself and got to sleep early. You'll feel so refreshed in the morning. Like a new life has started.
What do you do to relax??
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