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Moved Blogs!

I MOVED BLOGS!!!!!! My new website is on wordpress and can be found here ! I am so excited to share this with you guys, I have some screen shots of my new website for you guys below!  I hope you guys enjoy the new site as much as I do! I am so proud of this website and how it looks. I kept you guys in mind and also rebranded the name! Love you guys and I hope you guys continue to follow and support me trough this journey! B.xx

Winter Blues

I usually love the winter, I grew up in Northern Canada I kind of have to. But, this year has taken a toll on me. Don't get me wrong, I do love the winter. It's beautiful and I'm so grateful to have grown up in a place where I get to experience all 4 distinct seasons. 

But, sometimes it feels like I'm trapped under water and I don't know what way is up or down. I panic for a while, but then I just let it happen.  I'm just letting it happen. I feel like I just want to sleep, and I'm not motivated to do anything. Lack of sunlight, and not being able to spend time outside isn't something I'm able to live with, especially for almost 5 months of the year.

But I'm fine. This feeling is temporary, and does not control me. I can feel sad, without being sad. I have gotten through this before and I'm so close to getting through this season once again. I can't wait for spring to come around.



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